
Already have a Therapeuta account and are approved by us?

Where to start

Step by step guide

If you are a first time renter you will need to follow the steps in this guide in order to succesfully create a Therapeuta account and a successful booking.

Step 1:

Fill in the following form so we can work on the backend while you create a Therapeuta account:

Step 2:

You will need to create a Therapeuta account. You can do this by clicking on the following link:

Click on the “Create an account” or “log in” button depending on if you have or haven’t signed up for a Therapeuta account.

Fill in your information.

If you see this message you have successfully created your account.

Step 3:

You will receive an email that looks like the following once you have been verified from our side. You will need to click on the link to upload all the necessary documents in order to book your first room:

Step 4:

All you need to do now is click on the calendar link in the email. Please see below image as a reference:

Step 5:

You have successfully created your own Therapeuta account and have been approved as a therapist at White House Health and Wellness Centre. The next step is to book your first room. Simply select the time and date you require and follow the prompts.

Book your first room by clicking on the room, time and date you require.

Thank you for taking the time to register with us and going through these steps. We look forward to meeting you soon. If you had trouble with registering or have any questions you can contact us by visiting our contact us page or clicking here