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Osteopathy is a form of specialised hands-on (manual) therapy aimed towards restoring you to a pain free state. Osteopaths consider the structure and function of your body detecting, treating, and preventing a range of musculoskeletal conditions through stretching and massaging your joints and muscles.
Osteopathy is holistic – working on muscles and joints as well as affecting your posture, movement, circulation, respiration, and neurological and metabolic processes, providing you with a whole-body approach to health.
Osteopaths are recognised Allied Health Professionals and are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC)
Is your hearing as good as it can be?
Hearing loss can affect you at any age. In fact, 1 in 5 UK adults have some degree of loss. But this increases to 40% of over 50s, and 70% of over 70s. So the chances of developing hearing loss do increase with age. But one thing is true, no matter how old you are: recognising the signs early will benefit you in the long term.
Hearing loss can cause you to become socially isolated and depressed, and has been linked to an increased risk of dementia.
Our hearing tests are free, quick (about an hour) and could set you on the path towards better hearing health and quality of life.
Could I benefit from a free hearing test?
Are you:
- Asking others to repeat themselves?
- Having difficulties understanding people on the phone?
- Being told you’ve got the TV up too loud?
- Noticing that a lot of people seem to mumble?
If you can relate to any of the above, you might be suffering from a hearing problem. We can help you to understand what your next steps are.
What happens when I come in for a free hearing test?
It’s really important that you bring a loved one or close friend with you. They’ll be able to take part in a familiar voice test. Assessing your hearing against a voice you already know well will help us to assess your hearing ability much more accurately.
First, we’ll ask you about your hearing concerns, lifestyle and medical history.
Then we’ll carry out an examination of your ears, to see whether there could be a visible explanation for any hearing difficulties you might be having.
You’ll then take a series of speech, tone and word tests, for some of which you’ll need to wear a set of specially designed earphones.
Finally, you’ll get your results straight away. We’ll go through them with you in detail and talk about your next steps.
How much will it cost me?
Our hearing tests are completely free.
About Hidden Hearing
We’re one of the UK’s leading hearing healthcare experts, and have been providing life-changing hearing care for over 50 years. We have over 280 dedicated hearing centres and clinics across the UK. To book your free test, call Hidden Hearing on 0208 2474470 or visit