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Your perfect match is 3 steps away.

Explore our range of therapies offered and decide which works best for you.

Read the profiles of the therapists associated to each therapy.

Contact your chosen therapist directly to book an appointment.

Pick the type of therapy you are looking for:

Therapy Type
Francis Milani
Reflexology, Psychology, Therapeutic Mental Imagery
Laura Manly
Hypnotherapy, Emotional Freedom Coach
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Neda Rashidi
Yoga, Movement Meditation
Juliet NH photo 547x547
Juliet Neill-Hall
Talking Therapy, Life Coaching, Emotional Freedom Coach
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Anne Bila
Talking Therapy, Life Coaching, Reiki, Energy Healing, Personal Training, Crystal Healing
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Faye Burge
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Emma Roberts
Life Coaching, Reiki, Sound Therapy
Sophia Mahmoudi-Hartley 547x547 a
Sophia Mahmoudi-Hartley
Marcia Smith-Howard 547x547
Marcia Smith-Howard
Nutritional Therapy, Live Blood Analysis
Fabiana Cadoni 547x547
Fabiana Cadoni
Reiki, Energy Healing
Careena Chiu 547x547
Careena Chiu Chi Ching
Michelle Fahey 547x547 c
Michelle Fahey
Talking Therapy
Karen Weston 547x547 b
Karen Weston
Talking Therapy
Helen Mason 547x547
Helen Mason
Talking Therapy
Julie Bickerdike 547x547
Julie Bickerdike
Talking Therapy
Sarah Lacey 547x547
Sarah Lacey
Talking Therapy
Kate Gadowska 547x547
Kate Gadowska
Talking Therapy
Brenda Thomas 547x547
Brenda Thomas
Talking Therapy
Maki Ohhara 547x547
Maki Ohhara
Talking Therapy
Morag McColl IMG_3325 547x547
Morag McColl
Exercise & Fitness, Pilates
Elena Sachinis 547x547 b
Lenna Sachinis
Emotional Freedom Coach, TRE® Provider
Shikainah-Mar2023 547x547
Shikainah Champion
Talking Therapy
Lavinia Parke
Miriam Zendle
Miriam Zendle
Yoga, Exercise & Fitness
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Aurora Zoff
Yoga, Exercise & Fitness
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Dr Ruby Lyons
Talking Therapy
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Dr Catherine Huckle
Talking Therapy
Ros Life Coaching
Rosalind Dodd
Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching
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Souky Haddouche
Personal Training, Exercise & Fitness
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Linda Halldorsson
Nutritional Therapy, Massage Therapy
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Veronica Davidge
Talking Therapy
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Mafalda Da Silva
Peter Bryan 547x547
Peter Bryan
Talking Therapy
Adelina Blindu 547x547
Adelina Blindu
Helena Arthur profile pic sq 547x547
Helena Arthur
Talking Therapy
Stephanie Williams B image1 sq 547x547
Stephanie Williams
Hypnotherapy, Life Coaching
Natalie White
Nutritional Therapy
Julia Fox, MBACP
Talking Therapy
Caroline Beswick
Reflexology, Massage Therapy
Dr Anna Konovalova
Natalie Swanson
Gemma Price
Nutritional Therapy, TRE® Provider
Pratima Goodfellow
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Caroline Michael
Kalli Pasqualucci
Exercise & Fitness, Yoga, Sound Therapy
Elizabeth Padgett
Massage Therapy
Fariah Garner, MBACP
Talking Therapy
Freya Rudigier, MSc
Talking Therapy
Dr Ramona Burrage
Talking Therapy
Lexi Weiner-Roup
Osteopathy, Exercise & Fitness, Pilates

Learn more about discipline types:


Osteopathy is a form of specialised hands-on (manual) therapy aimed towards restoring you to a pain free state. Osteopaths consider the structure and function of your body detecting, treating, and preventing a range of musculoskeletal conditions through stretching and massaging your joints and muscles.

Osteopathy is holistic – working on muscles and joints as well as affecting your posture, movement, circulation, respiration, and neurological and metabolic processes, providing you with a whole-body approach to health.

Osteopaths are recognised Allied Health Professionals and are regulated by the General Osteopathic Council (GOsC)


Is your hearing as good as it can be?

Hearing loss can affect you at any age. In fact, 1 in 5 UK adults have some degree of loss. But this increases to 40% of over 50s, and 70% of over 70s. So the chances of developing hearing loss do increase with age. But one thing is true, no matter how old you are: recognising the signs early will benefit you in the long term.

Hearing loss can cause you to become socially isolated and depressed, and has been linked to an increased risk of dementia.

Hearing tests are quick (about an hour) and could set you on the path towards better hearing health and quality of life.

Could I benefit from a free hearing test?

Are you:

  • Asking others to repeat themselves?
  • Having difficulties understanding people on the phone?
  • Being told you’ve got the TV up too loud?
  • Noticing that a lot of people seem to mumble?

If you can relate to any of the above, you might be suffering from a hearing problem. We can help you to understand what your next steps are.